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About this package

This package includes a luxurious MECCA Desert Sfri expedition, exclusively for our travellers to indulge in the historic journey of our beloved Prophet PbuH’s Hijra across the desert to Yathrib or Medina.

Our Jemaah will be taken from the hotel to a 45-minute journey to the desert where you will spend almost 4 hours at Bedouin Pavilion complete with wudhu and toilet facilities.

Experience the lifr of a bedouin with activities such as horse riding, barbeque dinner, Maghrib and Isya’ jama’ah prayers and tazkirah by our ustaz.

Barbeque Dinner

The bedouin underground barbecue dinner consists of lamb and vegetables which are cooked underground. The meat and vegetables are cooked for a few hours and the result is tender succulent lamb which melts in your mouth.

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